Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gmail Rendering Changes

As if the awkward rendering of most emails on Gmail wasn't poor enough already, they have made a few tweaks which result in extra white space around images.

Fortunately, there is a pretty simple CSS workaround for the problem. This is similar to the Hotmail/Firefox rendering issues widely reported recently, but in this case Gmail ignores the display block tag when it is applied as an overall style. So it must be added inline to each and affected image. Plus, the Gmail rendering issue appears to be happening in most browsers, not just one, making it much more vital to fix.

Here is the additional code you need to add to each img src tag:

Like so:
<img src="" style="display:block" height="150" width="300">

You can, of course, place the style wherever you like within the img src tag.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Driving New Traffic

Today I began a new position at 3Birds Marketing as their Digital Marketing Director. We are working on getting the product fleshed out and the marketing materials finalized so we can go get some new clients. Exciting times are ahead.